Resistbot Petition: MY TAX $$$ ABUSED & MISUSED

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Unlike our current President, I am a taxpaying citizen. And for these taxes I expect a certain level of appropriate use of my money. And I absolutely do not want my tax dollars used to further a presidential re-election campaign. But Mr. Trump is falling behind on fundraising. He squandered his giant war chest in the pursuit of his own personal vanity. Now he’s strapped. And what does the king of bankruptcy turn his eye toward? The U.S. Treasury and the taxpayer dollars it holds. A virtual bottomless pit for him to pillage. From Politico today: “Millions of boxes of food doled out to needy families — with letters signed by the president taking credit stuffed inside. An $8 billion program for drug-discount cards to seniors featuring Trump branding — intended to arrive before the Nov. 3 election. A $300 million advertising blitz to "defeat despair" over the coronavirus pandemic — the biggest threat to Trump’s reelection.” “Each of those initiatives have two things in common: They’re paid for with taxpayer money, and they are plainly intended to help Trump’s flagging reelection campaign.” And more: “As the election approaches, Trump has moved beyond using his control over federal resources to deploying government officials to carry out his political messaging. Last week, Trump suggested that his attorney general prosecute some of his political enemies. Days ago, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo vowed he would release Hillary Clinton’s emails “before the election,” moving to resurrect a volatile issue from the 2016 race. And Attorney General William Barr has put the weight of the Justice Department behind Trump’s unfounded allegations of voter fraud.” And what reaction does all this wanton corruption of the office of the President elicit? None from y’all. And, unfortunately, you are the only ones with power to effectively address these abuses of the office. Otherwise it’s left to ‘critics’ of the president to offer concern. When it should not be just ‘critics’ of the president who should be concerned. The people elected to safeguard our democratic processes should be concerned. We should all be concerned. The steady erosion of our democratic norms is not not a right vs left issue. And it’s criminal to think that it’s considered to be so. "The American public sees them and calls them out for constant drama,” Jason Miller said of Trump's critics on the left. Yes indeed. The American public is definitely seeing them and calling them out for the constant drama. Seen the early voting numbers yet?

▶ Created on October 15, 2020 by Debbie

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