Resistbot Petition: Fully implement the Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT) system

An open letter to the U.S. Congress

Fully implement the Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT) system

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I am writing to express my strong support for the scheduled full implementation of the Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT) system on May 30th. As a constituent and someone deeply concerned about market transparency and investor protection, I believe that the timely full deployment of the CAT is essential for enhancing market oversight and safeguarding against market abuses. The CAT represents a significant step forward in market surveillance capabilities by providing regulators with comprehensive data on trading activities in U.S. equities and options markets. Its implementation will greatly improve the ability to detect and deter market manipulation, insider trading, and other illicit activities, ultimately promoting fair and efficient markets. I am aware of the upcoming subcommittee vote on May 7th that could potentially overrule the May 30th implementation date of the CAT system. I urge you to oppose any efforts to delay or obstruct the implementation of the CAT. Delaying its deployment would only prolong existing gaps in market surveillance and leave investors vulnerable to exploitation. The May 30th implementation date represents a culmination of extensive planning, development, and collaboration among industry participants and regulators. Any attempt to derail this process would undermine the progress made towards enhancing market transparency and integrity. I urge you to stand in support of the May 30th implementation of the CAT system and to resist any efforts to overrule this decision through the upcoming subcommittee vote. By doing so, you will demonstrate your commitment to protecting investors, upholding market integrity, and ensuring the effectiveness of our regulatory framework. Thank you for considering my views on this important matter. I trust that you will act in the best interests of your constituents and the broader financial community by supporting the timely implementation of the CAT system.

▶ Created on May 6 by Cole

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