Resistbot Petition: REPUBLICAN DERELICTION (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Day by day by day we are being educated. An education on the false reality of our famous Texas bravado. An education on the failure of Republican leadership. This time in a completely understandable and transparent way. I have always considered myself an Independent. I do not adhere to one set of one-size-fits-all standards of what I believe to be right. But the past four years of the Trump presidency, combined with our state’s poor response to the Covid pandemic, and now the last week of undeniable dereliction, has convinced me that there are few Republicans that deserve the title of public servant. Texas has been governed by Republicans for a very long time. There is no place to point the finger of blame except at yourselves. A vision of government that may work for the upper classes of our state, failed miserably when we ALL were left freezing in the dark. And what does our Governor do? Blames wind turbines. Solar panels. He goes to the standard play, until now always reliable, of blame the other side whining. But this time it won’t work. Because he is in charge. And others like him HAVE been in charge. ERCOT is going to be the punching bag. And to some degree that may be valid. But we all see who appoints the people who actually have, and had, the power to make sure the Texas power grid was protected. Look in the mirror. So you can continue to try this line of BS: “No one owes you or your family anything,” Tim Boyd, mayor of Colorado City, a small West Texas town, told residents complaining about the cold weather. In a post on his Facebook page, he declared, “Nor is it the local government’s responsibility to support you during trying times like this! Sink or swim, it’s your choice!” Or, like we the Texas people, see more clearly: “It was clarifying,” a former Ohio resident told the Texas Tribune, “because now we know when things hit the fan, we’re in it alone.” Totally clarifying. In the real world, you would all be fired for the jobs you’ve done.

▶ Created on February 20, 2021 by Debbie

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