An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. This constituent doesn’t have the time, energy or interest in the theater of the absurd that your party has so far offered as working for we the people in the HoR. It’s poorly-produced high school theater so far. But if you’re at all interested in what ordinary folk think, who really just want to live their lives in peace, prosperity and security, here’s a take on one of the first performative House actions…rescinding funds allocated for the IRS to be able to do its job. To add workers to clear backlogs, overhaul technology and improve customer service. And to have the resources to perform complicated audits for rich folk who use the system and their money to avoid taxes that help government function for the people. Don’t you think they should pay their fair share like the rest of us? Why is their dishonesty allowed to flourish? If y’all are so dead set on offsetting any spending for social programs, make people pay their taxes. If you don’t want tax hikes, make people pay the taxes they already lawfully owe. I read that the CBO says the GOP House bill would increase the deficit by nearly $115 billion over ten years. It’s really not a good look to appear to want to legislate cover for wealthy tax cheats. Us poor folk don’t appreciate it. We’re tired of being low hanging fruit. Prove you’re the populists you’re always going on about being.

▶ Created on January 12, 2023 by Debbie

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