Resistbot Petition: MAKE IT STOP

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Time to cut the crap. It’s more obvious every day that the GOP is not negotiating in good faith to raise the debt ceiling. Or as it was so blatantly put by one of your House members, “You don’t negotiate with your hostage.” Or…”Asked Tuesday evening what Republicans were offering to get Democratic votes, Rep. Patrick T. McHenry (R-N.C.) gave a brief answer: “The debt ceiling.” “That’s what they’re getting,” added Rep. Garret Graves (R-La.).” You’ve added things to your original demands, during negotiations. You’ve shot down any concessions on the other side as not enough. When it’s apparent enough will never be enough. It’s a hostage situation, plain and simple. You are being held hostage by the wingnuts of your party. The rest of us, and your country, are being held hostage by you. And the new distraction strategy on your side seems to be that the Treasury Dept. Is just making stuff up about either the timeline for default or the severity of what’s to come, if indeed it’s actually even coming. This is completely nuts. And an ultimate betrayal of your office. It’s our money, and lives, you’re gambling with. Please try and remember that. So, enjoy your Memorial Day holiday. Toast America and her greatness. Because thanks to you and yours that might be ending soon. P.S. I would suggest if you truly want to rule the country and bend us all to your will, you might try winning more elections.

▶ Created on May 24, 2023 by Debbie

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