An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. If other Americans experience daily the frustration I am at this particular moment, the top is about to blow off the collective pressure cooker. A brief sampling of the day so far... Our president doing a plug for an enthusiastic backer of his, namely Goya foods. I hadn’t really thought much about Goya until all this kerfuffle. They’re a standard around here. Who doesn’t use their products? But now, based on Ivanka, and now her father, using the taxpayers’ dollars to promote them? Never ever ever again in my house. This is late-night infomercial at its worst. Unbelievable. Once again the Trump family has assisted in taking down a company. Only this time not their own. Secondly, reading about the sudden disappearance of coronavirus stat reporting off the CDC website. This is truly dangerous. And how is it being allowed to happen? The administration’s plan to just act like the virus is either non-existent, going away, under control, or at the most outrageous, a hoax, I guess has been deemed ineffective. So now they’re just going to out and out hide the reporting statistics. This country is in deep s$&t. And getting deeper every day. We have a federal government working AGAINST the country and its people. And you know who is to blame? The Trump enablers. The Senate Republicans. The misguided who have attached their wagons so tightly to Mr. Trump that they, hopefully, will be forever stained. You. You and all the other folks who refuse to use the power you were given when you were elected. The power you are obligated by your oath of office to use. A sacred oath to take care of the country. To stop the madness. You have failed epically. No amount of spin, blame, obfuscation, denial, whataboutism will ever redeem you. You’re done.

▶ Created on July 16, 2020 by Debbie

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