Resistbot Petition: HOW COULD YOU DO THIS? (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. While we women in Texas (and the whole rest of the country) await the decision of a Christian-ideologue judge to determine if the other 50% of dominion over our reproductive health will be allowed or denied, we get to watch the agony of five of your constituents who did, are, and will suffer as a result of your actions thus far. I’m speaking of the five brave women who are standing up for all of those who have, are, and will suffer as well because of your actions. Your actions in the past, present, and future. The five women who are suing the state of Texas because of our GOP leadership’s barbarism. Leadership that treated them as less than livestock. Women that were forced to seek life-saving treatment outside their home state. Brutalized mentally and physically by sloppy, ignorant, dangerous legislation. From their lawsuit: “If a pregnant patient is experiencing renal failure, does she have to be on dialysis before a physician may perform an abortion that would otherwise be prohibited by the Ban? If a pregnant patient has a cardiac lesion, does a physician have to wait until she experiences heart failure to intervene? If a pregnant patient has a clogged blood vessel, does a physician have to wait until she experiences chest pain before terminating the pregnancy to prevent pulmonary embolism?”” You all seem to think, and say with certitude, that the doctor’s decision should be an easy one when determining whether a ‘legal’ termination is merited or not. Black. Or white. Easy peasy. What’s all the fuss? The doctors were wrong to err on the side of not wanting to be charged with a crime, to not have their careers ruined, while trying to interpret an unclear law. You are not doctors. And you are certainly not God. So why do you pass laws that impact our health, our lives, when you don’t have a clue about the reality involved? An ideology is not scientific knowledge. A subjective interpretation of right and wrong is not medical expertise. And you have no right to use the power you wield against your constituents in such a personal, intrusive, dangerous, dehumanizing way. Seriously. Just who do you think you are?

▶ Created on March 9, 2023 by Debbie

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