Resistbot Petition: LISTEN TO US (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas? What is wrong with y’all? You’ve turned our state into a bunch of vigilante snitches. Is this what you consider personal responsibility? To rat out a neighbor, a friend, a stranger for perceived infractions, real or imagined? This is the nihilistic vision of science fiction. In Texas. The self-proclaimed land of personal freedom, individuality, live and let live. All those notions are ridiculous. We rate 47 in the Cato Institute study of what constitutes personal freedom. Individuality is debatable. Free thinking seems discouraged. Thought patrol is ever increasing. Live and let live is a total joke. Y’all are in our business 24/7. All in the guise of protecting our ‘freedoms.’ Women’s right to choose. Snitch. Access to voting. Snitch and/or intimidate. Trans-gender rights. Snitch. Or discriminate against. Or better yet, bully. Pandemic remediation. Mandate against. Fight all power that might want to help save lives. Sensible gun ownership. Get one. It’ll help with intimidation. Attempts to ban books. And snitch on librarians. To ban clear-eyed teaching of our history. And snitch on teachers if they don’t teach what you like. Or take their tenure away. And any and all other regressive actions y’all can think of. I’ve never ever seen such a totalitarian effort to control a citizenry. And the most head-spinning aspect of all the recent legislative attempts to control our lives is that a large majority of your constituents DO NOT WANT ANY OF IT. So what would you call leadership that does not listen to its constituents? But goes ahead and does what it wants regardless? I think we’re watching it in Ukraine.

▶ Created on February 24, 2022 by Debbie

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