Resistbot Petition: ARE WE OKAY WITH THIS?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Free speech in America is one of the things that makes us great. But where do we, should we, draw the line? We all know we can’t shout FIRE in a crowded theater. And we can’t make implicate violent threats (mostly) without some consequence. But what about the pervasive disinformation campaigns waged that are more subtle, but do as much or more harm in the long term. I’m speaking specifically today of Tucker Carlson and all the others using our pubic airwaves to actively promote Russian disinformation. In Carlson’s case, under the patronage of a giant profit-making American corporation. Today America gets to read about a leaked Kremlin memo that urges promotion of Mr. Carlson’s show and words whenever and wherever possible. As often as possible. Because he is practically verbatim broadcasting Russian propaganda. How do y’all feel about this? Should an American corporation be able to make profit off of promoting anti-American rhetoric? While touting their patriotism in the same breath? And use the public airwaves to do so? How is this different from the RT in Russia? Regardless of how it may be promoted as ‘entertainment’, it is not. People believe what he says. Which makes it dangerous to democracy. If you don’t see something wrong with this picture, then the damage is already done. And done very well.

▶ Created on March 13, 2022 by Debbie

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