Resistbot Petition: BAD HISTORY REPEATS

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Because y’all are busily trying to turn back history’s clock, in addition to not participating in helping America come back from the pandemic, you’re forcing me to try and busily do my part to rebut. So here I am, two letters in a day. And it’s still early. Voting rights. Why don’t you support them? Your party has done so, overwhelmingly, in the past. So what’s different? Rhetorical question. Your past well of righteousness has been poisoned. And y’all are fine with it. Fine with it no doubt because without a level playing field for voting, the GOP in its current form would be doomed at the polls. The majority of America does not want what you’re pushing on us. So in order to save your power, you have to squash our citizens. Not a new tact. It’s been tried many times before in our history. It’s a tried and true playbook, but a despicable one. And a desperate one. From the Texas Tribune: “Republican U.S. Sens. John Cornyn and Ted Cruz of Texas joined GOP senators to block a federal voting rights bill that would have restored protections for voters of color and helped override some of Texas’s new elections restrictions and redistricted political maps.” You can say you believe the law to be unconstitutional, but with Texas having been deemed a ‘preclearance’ state in the past, which indicates that yes indeed voting here was considered to disenfranchise voters of color, you have proven the point that federal law is needed to prevent revived and reinvigorated efforts at discrimination. Because apparently people in power will do whatever it takes to stay in power. Including stepping on our basic rights. Including destroying our trust in free and fair elections by creating a self-fulfilling prophecy that does just that with perpetuated lies. You are no friend to your constituents.

▶ Created on November 6, 2021 by Debbie

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