An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I guess since your candidate is self-immolating before our eyes, he’s decided to go out on the same low note he came in on. Bashing people of color. Specifically women of color. Minnesota rallies where he goes after Ilhan Omar. She doesn’t love our country. She loves Yemen? (He should at least get her country of origin correct.) I grew up in Texas. I grew up where men took care of women. Where women were respected. Where you didn’t make fun of women. Or if you did, there were consequences. But all that’s changed. We don’t want taking care of. We want the same decency shown to everyone, regardless of gender. So I guess the presidential abuse could be seen as women’s rights realized. Sad if true. But it is still not right for a woman to be attacked by the president of the United States based solely on the color of her skin. And we all know that the least racist president ever revels in bashing women of color. All women really, but particularly those not Anglo. The Squad. AOC. Yamiche Alcindor. Kamala Harris. Weijia Jiang. And all the multitudes of other women not of color. And the perennial lock her up favorite, Hillary Clinton. Why? Is this really the best strategy Mr. Trump can come up with? To insult, denigrate, and demean women? All to the applause of his supporters? And you think this isn’t deplorable? It’s sickening. It’s not what a real man would ever do. Who would ever want to know such a man, let along think he deserves to be president. Much less twice. Woman see. Women vote. Women want Mr. Trump and those like him, gone.

▶ Created on October 31, 2020 by Debbie

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