Resistbot Petition: CORRUPTION IS CORRUPTION (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Finally. The Texas Republican leadership has maybe, possibly, hopefully taken a step towards sanity. Our Attorney General, the states arbiter of the law, who perhaps has been succumbing to corruption’s temptation for years, may finally be held to account. Finally. Enough may finally be enough. I’ll use my small town as an example. Every recent election here has had a combination of reality-based candidates versus others who see conspiracies in everything. Who wanted to force their view of what our town needs to be on everyone else, regardless of the majority view. In every election residents united to elect sanity. A united, concerted effort by both Republicans and Democrats. And it worked. Those of us who look past intense partisanship to what’s good for our communities and our state applaud those of you in leadership who take a stand for what’s right, regardless of the unpopularity of the actions. And Rep. Murr. I expect we might not agree on a lot things, but in the instance I applaud you. Standing strong against political winds is difficult. But you can sleep at night knowing you had Texas’s best interests at heart. That’s not small thing.

▶ Created on May 27, 2023 by Debbie

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