Resistbot Petition: DO BETTER

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Day 3 of the SCOTUS drama. KBJ is comporting herself with all the grace and humanity that the majority of the GOP senators seem to have misplaced. But that’s to be expected. All she really needs to do is just sit there while the country watches your ranks descend into some deep dark hole of WTF. It’s really excruciating to watch, but I guess you know what your constituents expect from you. Hard to believe that it’s what you’re dishing out so far. But I’ll never understand a mind that chooses to discuss racist babies as a suitable, even coherent, topic to determine a SCOTUS appointment, so I must be missing the point. There’s no admonishment left to be said about any of it. But y’all are doing your side no favors with everything we’ve seen thus far. Petty. Aggrieved. Disingenuous. Distorting. Trying so desperately to score a good sound bite or gotcha moment that you’re losing the forest for the trees. The woman is an outstanding jurist. But if your gold standard is a red-faced rant concerning beer, I can see how she might not measure up. Y’all are making the news for sure. Just not perhaps in the way you hoped. I’m torn between laughing and crying.

▶ Created on March 23, 2022 by Debbie

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