An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I grew up in rural Texas. On ranches. With cattle. Who had brands to designate ‘Property of.’ Today women in Texas are being subjected to the same treatment. We are treated as livestock. Our breeding will be closely monitored by any Tom, Dick, or Harry on the street. We will be hounded. Pursued. Reviled. Fingers will be pointed. Slander will fly with impunity. Lives will be destroyed. With complete and total impunity. And there is not a thing we can do about it. Salem Witch hunt in the 21st century. Revenge will be wreaked. Vendettas will be legitimized. And women in desperate need will be viewed as the least important part of the equation. She will be just another piece of livestock to be shunted here and there as desired. To be used to prove some point that’s really not anyone’s business but hers. Personal responsibility anyone? I’m wondering how you are feeling these days now that it seems the fever dream of castrating Roe vs Wade seems within reach? The dog caught the car. What are y’all gonna do with it? On the ranch there was another method to make certain inappropriate breeding didn’t run rampant. (See above reference.) You better hope woman don’t ever actually rule the world because you might not like it if we decide that’s what’s best for your particular gender. For the greater good of society of course.

▶ Created on September 5, 2021 by Debbie

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