Hospitals are underseige. First the occupation forces dropped white phosphorus all around the area. Then, the came with their tanks and placed their snipers. Anyone who tries to leave is shot. Even if they stay, the snipers are shooting into windows. A nurse at the Al-Shifa hospital was killed that way when she got close to a window trying to care for one of the NICU babies. You are supporting international war crimes, over and over, day by day.
You have gone beyond complicity- the United States is committing a genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. I am so disturbed by you and everyone in the government. You could stop this but instead you gave Israel billions more of my tax dollars, more inhumane hellfire missiles to target journalists and civilians, more public support of their atrocities.
I demand you call for an immediate ceasefire- a "humanitarian pause" is completely insufficient-, the withdrawal of all U.S. troops from the area, and all financial, intelligence, and military aid given to Israel to permanently cease. I demand the billions you've taken of my tax dollars to go instead to humanitarian relief for all of occupied Palestine to help them rebuild, care for the sick & injured, bury the dead with dignity, and ensure all of their basic needs are taken care of and are unable to be restricted by the Israeli government now and in the future.
We cannot allow Palestine to continue to be occupied and erased. I demand you voice support of and take any and all actions to assist Palestinians in regaining their land, freedom, and right to self-governance. This has never been and is not a call to have the same atrocities done to Israeli people. ALL PEOPLE should be safe from apartheid, genocide, and ethnic cleansing.
The situation in occupied Gaza is beyond dire. The actions being taken by the IDF to terrorize the occupied West Bank grow in disturbing, heinous ways every single day. The magnitude of human suffering is impossible to quantify. It has gone beyond comprehension. Every day becomes more unspeakable. I am begging you to stop this genocide.