Resistbot Petition: THE BS CONTINUES

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. First I write to commend our fellow Texans for standing up for what the people want and for our Republic. A Republic for the people. To reflect the people’s wishes. Of course I’m speaking of the Texas Democrats who are doing their job of working for their constituents. And by extension, the American people, by doing everything in their power to put a spotlight on the extreme power grab going on in Texas designed to restrict our right to vote. An attempt to restrict our vote based a lie. A lie that your party is promoting. A lie that does damage to our country. A lie promulgated for one man’s vanity and taken up by a faction of political barnacles as their sure-fire way to power. Anyone who continues this line of BS is a stone-cold liar and traitorous to the country. It’s as simple as that. And there’s absolutely no real, true, coherent, provable, certifiable proof to refute my accusation. So please don’t even try. It’s insulting. Your GOP is shameful.

▶ Created on July 13, 2021 by Debbie

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