Resistbot Petition: SCHEDULE F

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I’m not an intellectual but I know how to read. And what I’ve been reading on Axios the past few days has been terrifying. Schedule F. A realistic, thorough, under-the-radar plan waiting in the wings if Mr. Trump does actually realize the absurdity of a second term. Schedule F certainly doesn’t have the prime time appeal of a 1/6 Committee. It doesn’t have literal fireworks. Or people with guns trying to stage a physical overthrow of the government. No. It’s a quiet planning in the shadows. A giant spiderweb being spun by bureaucrats, by yes men, by people with money and a misguided vision for America. A revenge plot on steroids. Schedule F is what the reality of overthrowing our democracy would look like. People behind desks. With power they shouldn’t have. With the ability to purge our government of all but the most disgusting brownshirt elements amongst us. So while we’re being distracted by a more visceral version of sedition, the legal sedition is being brewed. Waiting for the right moment. And if you think it can’t happen here, you should read more history. Y’all are the ones who are on the frontlines of defending our systems. I just hope you’re on the right side for America.

▶ Created on July 23, 2022 by Debbie

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