
An open letter to the President & U.S. Congress


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Rami Abu Mustafa, a disabled Palestinian man, was abducted by Israeli forces from Rafah, held in an Israeli detention camp for months, and was recently released to the Red Crescent near death about 3 days ago. Today, 6/29, he is currently in critical condition at the Nasser Hospital and in dire need of medical evacuation. When Rami was returned, his stomach was ripped open, his body was littered with bullet wounds - one having entered his eye and exited his skull causing loss of vision, skull fractures, and several brain hemorrhages, and evidence of a prior, forced operation where part of his intestines, colon, and spleen were removed by Israeli forces. His bullet wounds are consistent with the attacker firing at close range. This wasn't an accident. Rami was already disabled when he was taken hostage. His brother Ahmed Atiya advised that Rami suffers from a mental health condition which also affects his ability to speak. His family was worried when he disappeared - they had no idea if he was alive or dead, buried under the rubble, or among those taken hostage. Now that he's returned, his family fears they will have to helplessly watch him die due to Israel's closure of the Rafah border crossing and refusal to allow Palestinians with dire medical needs to evacuate. One of Rami's doctors, Dr. Mohamed Safi, an ICU specialist at Nasser Hospital, made it clear Rami is in critical condition and there is no hospital or medical facility still operating in Gaza that has the ability to provide the care he needs if he has a chance of survival. Dr. Mohamed Safi delivered these sobering words at Rami's bedside where he lays clearly emaciated due to Israel's forced starvation and suffering unimaginable physical and psychological pain from the torture he endured. Rami cannot lift his head and is given water through a syringe in his mouth in lieu of the desperately needed IV fluids because there are none available. Rami will die a slow, agonizing death if he is not immediately evacuated so he can receive the intensive care, complicated surgeries, and lengthy rehab to recover. Rami Abu Mustafa and every Palestinian man, woman, and child held hostage in Israeli concentration-death camps deserves justice NOW. Israel must be held accountable - morality begs it and international law requires it. The fact this has been allowed to continue for so long and far before 10/7 is a black stain on human history. This administration will not be looked back at kindly or fondly in the history books for the gross human rights violations and war crimes you have funded, provided diplomatic cover for, and participated in. I demand that you:  – Hold Israel accountable for a permanent, immediate ceasefire, violations of the Genocide Convention, and gross human rights violations by any means necessary – Secure the immediate release and safety of all Palestinians who have been abducted and held captive by Israel, including those whose indefinite detention began prior to 10/7

▶ Created on June 29 by Sarah

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