Resistbot Petition: BETTER DEAD THAN RED

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I’m today learning a new-to-me method of corrupting a population I thought y’all might want to know about. Political technology. Devised and perfected by the Russians natch. But because we’ve become quite enamored of all things Red, we’re mastering the concept as well. Political technology is a system that uses technology to manipulate voters into rubber stamping the election of favored politicians by creating a virtual political reality by blackmailing opponents, whisper campaigns, abusing state power to help favored candidates etc etc. And the kicker that we’ve come to know and love and employ, creating a false narrative around an election or other event that allows for controlling public debate. Constant harping to create a mind worm.

Under this very effective propaganda system, delivered in a barrage of constant, outrageous and competing stories, people lose the ability to tell what is real and lose faith that they can have any effect on the political system. Brains shut down.

Democracy becomes no longer about voters choosing their representatives, but is simply a way to legitimize manipulation by corrupt politicians to keep themselves in power. Let’s take the irrefutable examples plaguing us right now. Fox News as the propaganda arm of Trump, and now the GOP writ large. Working hand in hand, sponsoring events, speaking at rallies, promoting candidates on air, even delivering sensitive campaign information to the Trump camp during the last presidential election. There is no denying this is true. Rupert Murdoch, who used, uses, his vast platform to enable, create, support, spread propaganda to an audience persuaded by the constant stream of mind manipulation. And knew he was harming his audience, and the country, in favor of profits. But did it anyway. There’s no denying this is true. Tucker Carlson, who was given free rein to run with the crazy, and did so with enthusiasm, creating a misinformation powerhouse…attaining a level of demi-god power no one should have. Further evidenced by the House Speaker deeming him to be the ONLY worthy media figure to be privy to some of the most sensitive security footage in recent times. Even though we all know very well that he will be the first to attempt to show that the events of January 6 were anything other than a misguided group of tourists. There’s no denying this is true. We all have our own versions of reality. But most of us use the reality-based world, using what we discern/hope/expect to be objective information, in formulating our world views. There is always a level of trust that exists between parties. But when that trust is deliberately violated, it becomes propaganda, pure and simple. With intent to deceive at the core of it all. Skilled propaganda is a weapon designed to destroy a population’s ability to discern true from false. And we won’t, and don’t, even realize it’s happening.

▶ Created on February 28, 2023 by Debbie

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