
An open letter to the President & U.S. Congress

Support Ukraine

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The United States should continue its support of Ukraine in its ongoing conflict with Russia. Our support is crucial to help Ukraine defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity. By providing Ukraine with military aid and assistance, the US can help level the playing field and deter further Russian aggression. It's important to note that supporting Ukraine does not directly put US personnel at risk, as this conflict is not one that directly involves the US military. However, as a nation that stands for democracy, sovereignty, and the rule of law, it is in the US' strategic interest to support Ukraine and send a strong message to Russia that its aggressive actions will not go unchallenged. Ukraine is a long-time partner of the United States, and supporting them in their struggle for independence sends a clear signal to both our allies and adversaries that we stand by those who seek to uphold democratic values and resist aggression. Additionally, by bolstering Ukraine's defenses, the US helps to stabilize the region and prevent further Russian expansionism, which ultimately contributes to global security. Furthermore, the conflict in Ukraine has resulted in a significant humanitarian crisis, and the US should continue its support to help alleviate the suffering of the Ukrainian people. By providing assistance and backing Ukraine's efforts to defend itself, the US can help prevent further loss of life and displacement of innocent civilians. In conclusion, the US should continue to support Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression. This support not only aligns with our values and interests but also demonstrates our commitment to upholding international law and the sovereignty of nations. The conflict in Ukraine is not just about Ukraine; it is about the broader principles of democracy and freedom.

▶ Created on February 13, 2024 by Curtis

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