
An open letter to the U.S. Congress

Condemn Israeli government's genocide against Palestinians in Gaza

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It is commendable that Representative Rashida Tlaib courageously stood up against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress, calling out his government's ongoing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. By wearing a keffiyeh, holding a Palestinian flag, and displaying signs labeling Netanyahu a "war criminal" and "guilty of genocide," Tlaib made a powerful statement refusing to be complicit in the normalization of genocide and demanding accountability. Tlaib's stance highlights the stark reality that Israel has flagrantly violated international law and committed horrific atrocities, including killing over 39,000 Palestinians and wounding over 90,000 more since its offensive on Gaza began on October 7th. With nearly 2 million Palestinians displaced in the largest mass exodus since the 1948 Nakba, Israel stands accused of actively pursuing the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Tlaib's condemnation reminds us that those responsible for such grave crimes against humanity must face justice at the International Criminal Court. While Netanyahu received a disturbing standing ovation from many in Congress, Tlaib's protest represents the moral voice demanding human rights and dignity for the Palestinian people. As the first Palestinian-American congresswoman, her principled stance to speak truth to power and denounce Israeli apartheid and genocide resonates profoundly. Tlaib's activism upholds the highest democratic values and human rights standards, setting an example for all who believe in justice and equality.

▶ Created on July 26 by Israelisrealterrorist

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