Resistbot Petition: WWJD? NOT WHAT YOU DID (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. After our major Christian celebration of the year yesterday, I am reading about the way our Texas leadership chose to spend their time…busing folks (and children!) looking for a better life and the promise of America and dumping them on the sidewalk during the worst winter storm in decades. How dare you call yourselves Christians. And the point of dropping them at the V-P’s house would be…? I’m pretty sure you must know that immigration laws are made and passed by Congress? Not the administration? So why not drop them on members doorsteps instead? Oh. Right. Reality and common sense is not the point. Cruelty and headlines on the taxpayer’s dime is the point. Heartless is the point. Because you think that’s what your constituents want. If you would spend half the time and money doing the work to help fix immigration laws that you spend on shameful demeaning stunts like bussing the vulnerable around the country, we might actually solve the problem. But you and I both know solving the problem is not your goal. Politics is your goal. Nothing more.

▶ Created on December 26, 2022 by Debbie

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