Resistbot Petition: WE DON’T EVER WANT A PUTIN

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. It seems America can finally agree on something. Putin is bad. Now, if the GOP could only get their stories straight on the topic we might get somewhere. Do y’all hate him? Admire him? Admire him and hate him? Admire him one day? Hate him the next? Depending on who’s saying what and how agreeing or not agreeing may affect your political futures? It’s very confusing and must be giving you all stomachaches trying to figure out where to land. Although you would think (hope anyway) the decision would be obvious. What Putin is doing in the name of the Russian people to an independent sovereign democratic country is BAD. Anyone who says otherwise is WRONG. And anyone who holds a position of influence in America who praises such actions as admirable should be DISAVOWED. Condemned without hesitation. Strongly. Soundly. Often. But as I read earlier, “Self-humiliation is no barrier to hypocrisy.” “As Russian forces invade Ukraine, Russian TV features Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo and Tucker Carlson praising Putin,” [Liz Cheney] tweeted on Friday. “Putin is evil. Every American watching what’s happening in Ukraine should know that.” The world sees. We the people see. What the Republican party is tolerating within its ranks has finally come home to roost. Too bad it’s taking a war to show that authoritarianism is not what anyone wants. Ever. And we certainly don’t want anyone flirting with the concept to be in charge of anything in America. Ever.

▶ Created on February 28, 2022 by Debbie

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