Resistbot Petition: STRENGTH PLEASE

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Congratulations to the Senate for reclaiming some leadership by passing a bipartisan aid bill to help Ukraine fight for their freedom, and ours. Thumbs up. You should feel good. Now to the House, which I am afraid is more interested in bad political gamesmanship than it is in doing their job to protect America’s interests and security around the world. It seems the Speaker is still insisting on border security measures or the bill is DOA. What? I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. It seems apparent all roads to NO stem from opposition by the big guy to anything that might help Ukraine. He’ll do away with NATO. Then he’ll encourage Putin to have his way with Ukraine when he’s president. I expect in large part because Zelensky wouldn’t play along with the mobster tactics that led to his first impeachment. The man governs by revenge, perceived slights, and wounded ego. He’s not complicated. But in the meantime, Ukraine needs our help. The world needs our help. We need a big picture leadership at this moment. Not a small-minded, short-gain, burn it all down strategy. The legislation includes $61 billion (much of which will go to U.S. defense companies?) for Ukraine, $14 billion for Israel in its war against Hamas and $4.83 billion to support partners in the Indo-Pacific, including Taiwan, and deter aggression by China. It would also provide $9.15 billion in humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza and the West Bank, Ukraine and other conflict zones around the globe. What coherent, legitimate, or humanitarian reasons are there in the House to disallow such efforts? “Andrew Desiderio of Punchbowl News recorded how Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) weighed in on the issue during debate today: “This is not a stalemate. This guy [Putin] is on life support… He will not survive if NATO gets stronger.” If the bill does not pass, Tillis said, “You will see the alliance that is supporting Ukraine crumble.” For his part, Tillis wanted no part of that future: “I am not going to be on that page in history.” “ Good man. The world is watching what we do. Can we be trusted? Because once we prove ourselves to not be, that is the beginning of our end. “The fate of our country is not determined by the outcome of elections, but by the dedication and character of those we entrust with power.” Please keep a determined eye on the only prize worth winning. Our country. Our democracy. And being true to our promises.

▶ Created on February 13 by Debbie

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