Resistbot Petition: GIVE US A BREAK PLEZ

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Always good to see on the Nightly News that multiple levels of law enforcement are preparing for a potential rerun of January 6 based on a possible Trump indictment. And not only that but Mr. Trump is firing up his supporters via social media to get them to come save him in the event of an indictment. Then we have the Speaker of the House jumping into the fray, throwing total support not behind our system of law, which we kinda need to have confidence in, but behind his political benefactor. Add to that an ex-VP also coming out basically screaming witch hunt. One side of his face hates Trump. The other side just can’t quit him. Why doesn’t everyone just chill and see what the process brings? Hysterics from our leadership just compounds the problem. If indictment is warranted wouldn’t you want to know that? Surely not all of you are so busy worrying about potential nefariousness by Hunter Biden that you can’t multi-task? But regardless of all that awful behavior, the thought of an indicted president actually fundraising off of the situation, and pundits saying it’ll actually help him get the nomination, is gobsmackimg. Is contempt of the law, incitement of civil unrest, disdain for our governing systems, and seeming contempt for the country itself all things the GOP now equate with a winner? And suitable for their choice to lead the party? And America? This is all you can offer us? No thanks. It’s disgraceful.

▶ Created on March 18, 2023 by Debbie

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