Resistbot Petition: RIPPLING CHAOS

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. How many other ways is the current standoff over the debt ceiling going to diminish America? Today we’re reading about the ramifications of Pres. Biden having to curtail his international trip to come back and deal with the House continuing temper tantrum. While the toddler lies on the floor screaming, China and it’s allies are rubbing their hands in glee portraying the US as an unreliable partner in Asia. The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, a security group consisting of  Australia, India, Japan and the United States that organized in 2007 as a response to China’s rising power, will not meet after all. The President’s visit to Australia and to Papua New Guinea was designed to cement the interest of the U.S. in the Indo-Pacific region. Some of the international take on the situation… “Daniel Hurst of The Guardian was quite clear what it meant to have Biden forced to cancel because of the Republicans’ debt ceiling demands. His article on the issue was titled: “The cancelled Quad summit is a win for China and a self-inflicted blow to the US’s Pacific standing.” “Chinese state media outlets won’t need to muster much creative energy to weave together some of Beijing’s preferred narratives,” Hurst wrote, “that the US is racked by increasingly severe domestic upheaval and is an unreliable partner, quick to leave allies high and dry.” “In the Sydney Morning Herald, Matthew Knott called Biden’s forced withdrawal “a disappointment, a mess and a gift to Beijing.” “The US wants to remain the leader of the free world but domestic divisions mean it now regularly struggles to keep its government from shutting down and defaulting on its debts,” he wrote. “The Quad summit in Sydney should have provided a powerful symbol of four proud democracies working together to get things done. Instead, it will serve to highlight the systemic problems plaguing the world’s longest-standing democracy and its aspirations for ongoing global leadership.”” So the next time the GOP in Congress gets up in arms about China China China, remember your party’s part in making us look weak. All because you won’t pay our bills. That you helped run up. Your ripple effect. All yours.

▶ Created on May 18, 2023 by Debbie

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