An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. This past week brought us signs from the universe that you would have to be blind, deaf, and willfully dumb to ignore. While the Munich Security Conference was meeting in Munich, where leaders from more than 70 countries gather annually in Germany to discuss international security policy, the world learns of the death of Vladimir Putin’s long-time political nemesis Alexei Navalny. The world was shocked, but not surprised. We truly mourn this man of immense courage. Courage that is extraordinary in this time of self-preservation over concern for country. I doubt that the timing of this death was coincidental. Putin wanted to show the world he cares not a whit what we think, say, or do. He does what he wants, when he wants, to whom he wants. And dares us to do something, anything, about it. And what do we send him in return from America? A presidential candidate who tells him to do whatever the hell he wants, we won’t stop him. We show him an American propagandist who fawns over him, further lauds his leadership by saying strong leaders kill people, get over it, and shops in a Russian grocery store while throwing down on the country that allows him to spew his unAmerican rhetoric with impunity. He should try changing seats with Navalny and see if his opinion of Russian freedom changes. Then, the ultimate cowardice…Speaker Johnson recessing the House he supposedly leads until the end of February while refusing to address a bipartisan bill that would most surely pass to send funding to Ukraine, while we watch Ukraine losing hard-fought ground to Russia because they’re running out of bullets. He then has the audacity to release a statement saying that “as international leaders are meeting in Munich, we must be clear that Putin will be met with united opposition…. [T]he United States, and our partners, must be using every means available to cut off Putin’s ability to fund his unprovoked war in Ukraine and aggression against the Baltic states.”  This is the worst form of hypocrisy combined with ineptness combined with blatant tone deafness This is the best y’all can do? This farcical tragedy combined with the culmination of a lifetime of above-the-law behavior by your guy for president being called out for what it is, FRAUD, made for quite a week. Finally, the emperor was exposed without clothes. So what will y’all do about all this? Turn your backs on defending our national security? Keep enabling a conman and a grifter and a proven fraud as the proper choice to lead the country? Keep sowing chaos that hurts us on the world stage? Is there a Navalny amongst you anywhere?

▶ Created on February 17 by Debbie

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