Resistbot Petition: ANYTHING TO ADD?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Congressional Republicans voted to raise the debt ceiling three times, with no budget cut pre-conditions, when Republican President Donald Trump was in the White House. Congressional Republicans voted for tax cuts that added $7.1 trillion to the deficit under Donald Trump. Congressional Republicans want to cut vital services affecting the most vulnerable Americans. To cut veteran benefits. To cut funding for education. Law enforcement. Congressional Republicans want to extend the same Trump tax cuts that added tremendously to the deficit when enacted. Congressional Republicans don’t want to close tax loopholes. Don’t want tax cheats to pay their fair share. Don’t want the wealthiest amongst us and giant corporations to pay their fair share. Congressional Republicans want to hold America hostage with extreme demands instead of paying our bills and saving negotiations for the budget process. Congressional Republicans want to crash the economy to save money. That about sums up the view from out here.

▶ Created on May 21, 2023 by Debbie

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