An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Confinement frustration is at an all time high around my house these days. My husband encourages me to chill, ignore, let it go. My response is always the same. If all the squeaky wheels go silent, our country would suffer. So I and all the other squeaky wheels keep it up. It helps our mental health to vent. And it hopefully lets our elected officials, who presumably work for us, know that their actions and words do not go unnoticed. I hate being agitated. But I was raised to not let wrong go unaddressed. It’s a quaint concept anymore, but it’s who I am, so I do what I can, when I can, with what I have. And what I have this a.m. is astonishment at a phone conversation I just read about between Mr. Trump and the GA Secretary of State on Saturday. Apparently, (and this is via a recording of the call not ‘fake news’) our president spent a solid hour threatening, cajoling, pleading, and even begging Mr. Raffensperger to ‘find’ more votes to overturn the GA election results. (All actions of a ‘winner.’) I guess this is all okay with your Sedition Caucus, since it’s the creator of this mass election fraud nonsense, and the head of your party, trying to intimidate another member of your party into betraying his office and country. Have you ever watched a fish on the end of a line, with a frantic desire to survive, that gets weaker and weaker as it slowly gasps and dies? The only problem with this analogy is that it’s an American President, who in his death throes, doesn’t mind taking our democracy along with him. He aids and abets its weakening, its cheapening, all for his own ego. He sows doubt that creates chaos. And all that will not go away after January 20. That’s what you continue to defend. To make excuses for. To condone. To aid. To abet. You’re letting this one awful person destroy your party and its last gasps of any legitimacy. How are you okay with this sort of behavior? Oh right. One of you is skedaddling ASAP. One of you has a furrowed brow, usually accompanied by a quick retreat from any opinions on the matter of Trump. And the other is milking the situation for all it’s worth, hoping he can jump into Mr. Trump’s shadow before he leaves the building. What a trio of Texas heroes. I’m glad you weren’t at the Alamo.

▶ Created on January 3, 2021 by Debbie

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