Resistbot Petition: WHAT WILL YOU CHOOSE?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. The defeat of Liz Cheney in a contest she should have won on every metric of Republican conservatism is no victory for the GOP. On every metric of bravery she should have won. On every metric of sacrificing self for country she should have won. On every metric of being an example of the best of public service she should have won. But she didn’t. And now your party is further along the path of cult of personality over principles. Further along the path of standing for nothing but DJT and whatever his assault du jour against the country may be. I hope Liz runs for prez. Maybe that would make y’all take a long hard look in the mirror. Or it will at least make you have to choose between the worst of us, or the best of us. To choose between more of what we saw on January 6. Or a path back to when your party stood for something besides chaos and authoritarianism. Then we might not have to read thoughts such as this from sane Republicans… “Tonight, the nation marks the end of the Republican Party. What remains shares the name and branding of the traditional GOP, but is in fact an authoritarian nationalist cult dedicated only to Donald Trump.” It’s a thought.

▶ Created on August 17, 2022 by Debbie

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