Israel already broke the ceasefire. They shot and killed people who were trying to go back to their homes in Northern Gaza. I'm already aware that the administration is concerned about more journalists being able cover the devastation in Gaza. We all know why. It's the day after Thanksgiving and my country is continuing to commit a genocide- I never thought those would ever be words I would utter in modern day. You have gone beyond complicity- the lengths the U.S. has gone to support Israeli war crimes proves it.
I'm also aware of the terrorism occurring in the West Bank and other areas of occupied Palestine. Did you think we would forget them? They are afraid to leave their homes because the IOF and colonists are murdering, raping, and detaining people en masses without cause. Why are you allowing this? Why are you supporting this? What has happened to your humanity? Are you really that afraid of Israel or are you that greedy for money?
I am demanding that you:
- Call for an immediate ceasefire- a "humanitarian pause" is completely insufficient
- Call for the immediate end of apartheid, occupation, and ethnic cleansing of Palestine
- Support both Israelis and Palestinians in efforts for real and long-lasting peace, safety, freedom, and equal rights for both groups
- Continue to speak out against the disturbing rise of antisemitism, and ALSO equally condemn the rise of Islamophobia tearing our country apart
- Withdraw all U.S. troops and assets sent to assist Israel
- Permanently end all monetary and military aid given to Israel, whether it is directly or indirectly provided
- Provide substantial, ongoing humanitarian relief to all of occupied Palestine to help them rebuild, care for the sick & injured, bury the dead with dignity, and to ensure all of their basic needs are taken care of and unable to be restricted now and in the future by any government or group
- Not support any legislation that directly or indirectly allows for targeting of Palestinians both in the U.S. and abroad
- Protect my freedom of speech and work against all efforts of censorship whether the form is governmental control of the Internet, penalties in-person, or other means of silencing
- Restore my right of free speech to criticize any government or political ideology and provide protection against targeting, discrimination, and harassment for doing so
- Repeal all federal anti-BDS laws for businesses and individuals and pass legislation that voids any and all state-level anti-BDS laws
- Stop the militarization of our police force by ending the cross-training done with the IOF, and all other ways this is accomplished