An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Rhetorical question for the day. What is going up faster? Coronavirus deaths? Or fundraising by the Trump campaign based on false election fraud claims? Which do you think our president is paying closer attention to? Devoting more energy towards? Caring about more? We always knew politics was a profitable nest-padder. But now you’re being shown how to do it by a master in the art of flim flam. Watch and learn. A new normal. Presidential profiteering. I say more power to him. Why not. Who’s to stop him. Not personal integrity. Not reality. Not the system. Not you guys. Like the resident Senate Yoda (McConnell) opined while refusing to take any leadership role in acknowledging P-E Biden’s victory... “The future will take care of itself.” That pretty much sums up the GOP Congress these days. Run away. Dissemble. Duck and cover. Wait for it all to blow over. Laissez-faire on steroids. While the fiddler gets rich and the population dies. It is what it is.

▶ Created on December 5, 2020 by Debbie

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