
An open letter to the U.S. Congress

Repeal archaic Comstock Act to safeguard reproductive rights

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The Comstock Act, an archaic 1873 law banning the mailing of obscene materials and articles used for abortion, poses a grave threat to reproductive rights and must be repealed. While the Biden Administration has correctly interpreted the law narrowly to avoid criminalizing medication abortion, a future administration hostile to abortion could enforce it aggressively. This would severely restrict access to not only abortion pills but also essential medical supplies for miscarriage management and other gynecological care across the country, with devastating consequences for reproductive health. The law is a relic of a bygone era of censorship and anti-abortion extremism. Keeping it on the books serves no legitimate purpose in modern times and provides a pathway for ideologues to trample on fundamental rights. Repealing the Comstock Act would remove this dangerous tool from the arsenal of those seeking to roll back reproductive freedom. Congress must act decisively to forever eliminate this threat by striking down this antiquated and insidious law through legislative repeal. The health and rights of millions hang in the balance.

▶ Created on May 17 by Shawn

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