Resistbot Petition: HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO US? (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Reading comments by our Governor, defending the exclusion for victims of rape to get an abortion under the monstrous law he signed into law, SB 8, you expect even more of well-deserved shit storm to come down on your heads. And the state of Texas. “Greg Abbott has defended new abortion laws in Texas by saying victims of rape and incest will have “at least six weeks” to terminate their pregnancy. The Texas Governor was asked why he was forcing a rape or incest victim to carry their child to term on Tuesday. “It doesn’t require that at all, because obviously it provides at least six weeks for a person to be able to get an abortion,” he replied.” How many menstrual cycles have you guys had? Do you grasp the concept of how things work inside women? We are not clocks. Our periods do not happen on a time table. You can be late, and still have a period. You can be early. You can miss a month even. Many women are scared shitless by a late period. But a late period does not always mean you’re pregnant. So to say that a victim of rape and/or incest will be fine because they have six weeks to take care of the issue is not only unfeeling, heartless and cavalier with an untenable situation, regardless of pregnancy outcome, but morally bankrupt. And the words of someone who doesn’t have a clue. Feels like a Marie Antoinette moment to me. Way to outrage a lot of your constituents. Between this and all the other crap you’re forcing down our throats as of late, you better gerrymander the heck out of us if you want to save your jobs. I seriously couldn’t be more disgusted. And I lived through four years of Donald Trump. He seems kind-hearted compared to you guys. P.S. please don’t attempt to exhibit sympathy for the women of Afghanistan. It rings hollow when you will do this to your own fellow Texans.

▶ Created on September 7, 2021 by Debbie

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