Resistbot Petition: THINK ABOUT IT

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I write to thank Rep. Pfluger for backing awards for the Capitol police who protected you all on January 6. It was a vote of decency. In these times, that can be a rare thing. You can’t say the same about a few of our other Texas reps, who chose political rhetoric over doing the right thing. The decent thing. I also write concerning the ongoing revelations about the Trump administration actively instructing the DOJ to subvert our constitutional processes during the 2020 election. I understand that the GOP Congress may attempt to thwart any investigation into these events. That is a very scary proposition. If you, our elected leaders, who took an oath to defend the constitution, choose instead to ignore the country in favor of political gain, that is a tragedy. You might just try a simple thought exercise. Suppose the officials in the DOJ, instead of rightly calling out the concerted attempts to influence them as ‘insane’, instead happily went along with the requests. Suppose they had used all the power available to them to carry out Mr. Trump’s wishes. Suppose they had completed the mission of overthrowing the election results, and Mr. Trump was enabled to stay in office. What would that look like right now? Terrifying scenario. Instead, officials did their jobs for the country. Just like many other election officials throughout the country. So when you hear those in your party continue to spread mIsinformation and the Big Lie, you might contemplate the actions of those officials who did what they were supposed to do. Their actions to defend our democracy allow your ranks to continue to spout nonsense. Because other brave people did what they were supposed to do…defend our democracy. And in doing so, saved our country. I guess I should be grateful that nonsense is better than what might have happened. And if it had happened, where would y’all stand on the demise of American democracy? Would you still be hedging your bets? Thankfully, for now, we don’t have to find out.

▶ Created on June 16, 2021 by Debbie

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