Resistbot Petition: RUSSIA IS LOL

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. In a continuing effort to point out why the Trump administration doesn’t deserve a second term in office, I refer you to a recent TV interview by Scott Atlas. No big deal right, TV interviews are standard fare. But this one was with RT, the Kremlin-backed propaganda media outlet of Russia. Where he proceeded to diss the coronavirus response by those officials who are bravely trying to control the spread of Covid. You know, in lieu of any plan from the federal government. And then Mr. Atlas had to do an about-face abject apology for doing the interview, given the venue, but claimed he had no idea that RT was a registered foreign agent. So a high up official in the Trump administration goes on a Russian propaganda outlet. But has no idea that that is what he is doing. Even though it has been proven that RT had a big hand in manipulating election interference in 2016 in favor of Donald Trump. Priceless. Russia has got to laughing out loud. Did everybody in the current administration just fall off the turnip truck? How is his level of naive ignorance to be explained? Or tolerated? Or accepted? Me, sitting here in Mason, TX is quite aware of RT and its mission. How can someone working in the WH possibly be so clueless? This is the best our country can do? No it’s not. But it is the best the Trump administration can do. Time for the circus to fold up their tents and hit the road. Tick tock.

▶ Created on November 1, 2020 by Debbie

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