An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I wonder why I bother. I send concerns about the debt ceiling default and the potential impact on my Social Security-receiving life. I get back a rote response with gauzy rhetoric about Social Security in general. I send concerns about a lot of different things. I invariably get back ‘It’s Joe Biden’s fault.’ I’m sure, if I get back anything ‘personalized’ from any of you about today’s concern, it’ll be the same. But here we go regardless. Our southern border. Democrats (and Joe Biden) make proposals. Y’all reject out of hand. They ask for more funds for processing and other necessary bureaucratic requirements to make for an orderly process. Y’all reject. But always seem willing to support any other less-effective efforts like big shows of force or sending hapless immigrants hither and yon that don’t do much except add to the chaos. But I know that’s the plan. Why do the work to solve a problem when it’s a constant source of political manipulation and sound bites. In any case…my small town, like most places, suffers from a lack of workers. Or as the local refrain goes, ‘People don’t want to work.’ So why can’t we figure out how to let people in who do want to work? To do the jobs we don’t want to do. They benefit. We benefit. Since we’re all originally from somewhere else, why is immigration, the thing America was built on, such a difficult issue to resolve? I can only think it’s a lack of political will. The American dream is real. It worked for our ancestors. We should figure out how to make it work for us today. Or send the Statue of Liberty back to France. Because right now she’s just a symbol of American hypocrisy.

▶ Created on May 12, 2023 by Debbie

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