An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Words are inadequate when children are gunned down by laws that allow them to be murdered. Murdered with no repercussions to those who make the laws that allow this to happen. The second amendment has been corrupted to line the pockets of gun manufacturers. The NRA has corrupted the conversation by buying our politicians. Politicians who rely on their donations to retain their power. The power that allows our children to continue to be murdered. In the name of freedom. In the name of our Constitution. Senator Cruz you are a ghoul. A ghoul I just watched at the NRA convention, with practiced gesticulations, with furrowed concerned brow, outline why our children need to be educated in maximum security prisons. By teachers packing AR-15s r some such. These are the same teachers that just last week were being accused of grooming our children for sexual ‘perversion.’ Now you want them to be Rambo. This is not the movies. It has been shown that the classic good guy with a gun scenario does not work. But it does sound good on TV. Your solutions are ludicrous. Your GOP is an abomination. To not address inappropriate military artillery in the hands of the public is derelict, to put it politely. To not support basic background checks or any other common sense method to monitor gun ownership is criminal. Senator Cornyn, at least you had the good sense to not show up at the NRA love fest. And thank you for any efforts you put forth to seriously try and help our country not have to watch children being slaughtered on the nightly news. But then again you haven’t received more NRA or gun lobby financial support than any other member of Congress like my junior senator. Bought, paid for, and earning his money. Why can’t you feel the shame the rest of us do?

▶ Created on May 27, 2022 by Debbie

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