Resistbot Petition: WE DON’T WANT ANY OF THIS

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Apathy. That’s the feeling this a.m. After the news last night of DJT being indicted on 7 federal charges, I feel some slight need to comment. But my soul is just yawning. However, because I am a constituent, who believes in engaging with elected officials, I’ll give it a shot regardless of the futility I feel. First. I firmly believe that American citizens live in the middle. We are moderate. We are rational. We want sanity in our government. We want fairness. Equality. Kindness. And we want to trust those we elect to lead us. But what do I get from my elected officials when they send a ‘personalized’ constituent response? Canned talking points. And the inevitable reference to ‘it’s all Joe Biden’s fault.’ So I really don’t expect to have any comments I make to be listened to. But I try. Because what you and your party are doing to the country is flat out wrong. We don’t want to be controlled by a bullying mob. Who dictates what we think. Read. Believe. We don’t want crazy. Women want their bodily autonomy. We don’t want to be randomly killed by gun violence. We welcome immigrants who want to come to our country for the American dream. We don’t want to live in the kind of fear that your party constantly tries to manipulate us with. And most of all…we don’t want anything to do with your current front runner for the GOP presidential nomination. He represents the worst of America. The worst of humankind. And his continuing, persistent, chronic interactions with our legal system shows he has no understanding of societal norms. Or regard for the rule of law. At all. He abused every system he has come in contact with. He has abused America. He has manipulated the population to believe up is down while lining his pockets with our hard-earned money. He is the opposite of a victim. And he and his political allies consider federal indictments concerning national security no more than an opportunity to fundraise. Again. So I ask you please ponder this except from a tape with DJT riffing on our national secrets… “All sorts of stuff – pages long, look. Wait a minute, let’s see here. I just found, isn’t that amazing?” Trump said. “This totally wins my case, you know. Except it is like, highly confidential. Secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this. … This was done by the military and given to me.” If you support this guy you deserve the firestorm coming your way. And what you call patriotism is dead.

▶ Created on June 9, 2023 by Debbie

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