Resistbot Petition: WE THE PEOPLE ARE DONE

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Important week for the country. We all hope it goes smoothly. Safely. But contrary to all the hopes on your side of the aisle, we will not forget what we all watched in horror on January 6. It will not be smoothed over. It will not be tempered with let’s close the barn door after the horse is gone platitudes about calm, moving on, the American people have had enough drama. Well duh. And where did 99.9% of the drama emanate from? And where was the trickle down madness being disseminated most effectively? Within and by the GOP. Across the board. So with the newly released video footage of the Capitol Insurrection shot by the New Yorker, we got to see, and hear (as below) again, how the continued, concerted efforts to delude our democracy with election fraud misinformation manifested itself. “Look—‘Objection to counting the electoral votes of the State of Arizona,’” “He [Cruz] was gonna sell us out all along.” “Wait no, that’s a good thing! That’s a good thing!” “He’s with us, he’s with us.” “There’s gotta be something in here we can f***ing use against these scumbags.” “This is a good one, him and Hawley or whatever. Hawley, Cruz.” “Hawley, Cruz?” “I think Cruz would want us to do this... So I think we’re good.” “F*** you, police!” “You’re outnumbered, there’s a f***ing million of us out there. And we are listening to Trump, your boss.” “Where’s f***ing Nancy Pelosi?” “Where the f*** is Nancy?” “I know, I’m gonna take a sit in this chair, ’cause Mike Pence is a f***ing traitor.” Versus... “History is not finished with Trump, Cruz, or Hawley. If we value our democracy, they will face justice now. The reckoning has only begun.” But a true reckoning doesn’t come with the violence we saw at the Capitol. It comes with history. With the condemnation of your fellow citizens. With a definitive back-turning on the kinds of irresponsible fear-mongering that we the people have had to put up with for the past four years. We’re done.

▶ Created on January 18, 2021 by Debbie

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