An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Saturday night in my small town. Covid cases rising here. Like everywhere. We are on fire. 1,000,000 new cases in 6 days. I have also been pondering the concept of personal responsibility. Remember that quaint pillar of the GOP? The GOP of old I should say. Personal responsibility in regards to Covid has been melded with the false priority of personal freedom. So we watch ourselves get sick and die. And our leaders applaud. The concept of personal responsibility is also missing in our highest office. Mr. Trump, who spent most of the virtual G20 tweeting like a bored teenager. Tweeting about his grievances. About his disavowal of the recent election. About how everyone is against him. He chose to opt out of the session on the coronavirus. Instead he went to play golf. Again. He’s done with even pretending to give a good god damn. The oath he took for the office is meaningless to him. He’s done with everything except subverting his government. Personal responsibility. I grew up with the concept beat into my head. It’s automatic. It’s what good citizens do. But the GOP of Trump runs from personal responsibility. Instead the persistent, constant whining, grievance, and pointing fingers is the new norm. Just another hollow concept put to rest. So in the future please don’t try and wrap actions designed to destroy social programs, social safety nets, or denying health care to millions in the cloak of personal responsibility It’s just a another load of BS. And you know it.

▶ Created on November 22, 2020 by Debbie

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