Resistbot Petition: NO on Mining Regulatory Clarity Act S. 1281 & NO on Debt Ceiling pre-conditions.

An open letter to the U.S. Senate

NO on Mining Regulatory Clarity Act S. 1281 & NO on Debt Ceiling pre-conditions.

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I'm a constituent contacting you on a couple of topics today. First, I’m concerned about the Mining Regulatory Clarity Act (S. 1281). Our public lands are important spaces to protect for the environment, wildlife, and Americans’ enjoyment. It shouldn’t be easy for mining companies to claim land rights and start destroying these lands for their own profit. I want you to oppose this bill. Second, I would like you to say NO to any deal that expedites fossil fuel production or rolls back climate provisions from the Inflation Reduction Act in exchange for raising the debt ceiling. Climate change is an urgent crisis. Thanks.

▶ Created on May 18, 2023 by Mary

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