
An open letter to the U.S. Supreme Court

Reconsider Assange's extradition and protect press freedom.

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The recent denial of Julian Assange's appeal against extradition to the United States, where he faces charges under the Espionage Act, raises serious concerns about the state of press freedom. Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, is wanted on 18 counts for publishing classified documents, a potential sentence of 175 years. This case has drawn criticism from human rights groups, including Amnesty International and Reporters Without Borders, who argue that the charges should be dropped. It is crucial to consider the implications of this case on journalistic freedom and the public's right to information. Therefore, it is requested that the decision be reconsidered, allowing Assange's appeal and reviewing the charges against him in light of their potential impact on press freedom.

▶ Created on February 3, 2024 by Weston

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