Resistbot Petition: DERANGED BEHAVIOR

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. 187 minutes. Over 3 hours of chaos against our democracy. 187 minutes that Mr. Trump watched unfold on TV. Watched while being begged by those in danger to make it stop. Begged by family members. By administration officials. By media. By Fox News. None of these folks were heeded. For 187 minutes the president of the United States, watched the anger he fomented. Watched not with horror or outrage, but with excitement. Excitement because his people did what he was hoping. Fight for him. Fight for him based on lies he constructed almost since the moment he was elected in 2016. And it worked. Almost. I say almost, but it’s not over yet. It could yet happen. The dissolution of our democracy that is. All it takes is for good men to do nothing. The televised January 6 committee meetings will be enlightening, and no doubt horrifying. Horrifying by illustrating that our president did nothing, NOTHING, while Rome was burning. Except revel in the fire. An American President. 187 minutes. How can that ever be condoned?

▶ Created on January 3, 2022 by Debbie

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