Vote & pass the Vote Act and protect our democracy
1 so far! Help us get to 5 signers!
Where do you stand on saving our democracy ? Will you protect our right to vote and the constitution. A year ago it was attacked — simply attacked. The will of the people was under assault. The Constitution, our very Constitution, faced the gravest of threats.
We should not care who you vote for or represent - all republicans, democrats or independents need to band together and make sure that alt-right and our former president Trump does not actually pull off the coup in 2024 he tried to at the last election.
We are not a dictator nation. We are founded on ideals and all our votes matter and we need to save the rule of law. All of those involved in the insurrection last year should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, no matter how high this goes. It was a dereliction of duty that the former president incited and then sat silent during this riot while police officers were being crushed in tunnels from the mob trying to protect the politicians we had legally voted into office. They not only saved lives, they saved democracy and I ask you now to do the same.
Vote and pass the Voting Act, if you really do care about your constituents then you will want to see them all vote and save the very fabric of our democracy.