Resistbot Petition: NO LIARS NEED APPLY

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Another day. Another House fiasco. Obviously bringing a candidate forward who actually has the country’s best interest in mind is a no-go. Even the most conservative amongst you doesn’t stand a chance when faced with the fury of your party’s biggest loser and his horde of MAGA-mad minions. So what are you left with? You are left with having to nominate someone who was/is/and will be a supporter of the Big Lie. A Big Lie that in every way, on every day, is being shown to be just that. Defendants are pleading guilty to promoting the Big Lie to avoid jail time, and are willing to testify under oath to this fact. You will have to elect a liar. A liar who lied to his constituents. Who lied to the country. Who will continue to support the fabricator of the lie. And declare fealty to the worst GOP candidate for president that our country has ever seen. And this future Speaker will have to do everything he can to keep this destructive candidate for president placated so he can keep his job. Wow. What the hell are y’all doing? And now, NOW, we get to read about how the Democrats should save the day, for the good of the country. This is beyond laughable. The Democrats seem to always be expected to clean up Republicans’ messes, get little acknowledgment when doing so, and approbation when they aren’t perceived to be acting like the adults in the room. How about y’all just come up with a candidate that passes basic reasonableness tests, such as wanting to keep the government running and respecting the legitimacy of the 2020 election results? Grow up. Fix your own mess. And elect someone who stands for the country first. Not a proven liar.

▶ Created on October 25, 2023 by Debbie

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