Resistbot Petition: ONE DAY AT A TIME

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. “By the way, they released Hillary Clinton. She hammered her phones. She used all sorts of acid testing and everything else they call it, BleachBit, but it’s essentially acid that will destroy everything, you know, within 10 miles. I mean, what she did was unbelievable. Nothing happens to her. Nothing happens to Bill Clinton. He took it out in his socks, you know?” Can you guess who said this? Thought I’d start with a laugh this morning. Good to see that DJT is dragging Hillary Clinton out of his bag of tricks. He must be getting more desperate than we know. Just a sampling of life outside the bubble… The world is watching our dysfunctional Congress slow-walk Ukraine into Putin’s arms. One man is doing this. Enabled by a contingent of the Congress who is working for this one man. This one man who has no power other than what they give him. And this one man and his accomplice in the House are looming large in history with their actions, or inactions. How is this possible? NATO allies are becoming concerned and increasingly restive about Viktor Orban’s continued march to dictator status, and his increasing support for Putin and his efforts in Ukraine. He doesn’t appear to want to be in the NATO clubhouse anymore. He should be kicked out. The GOP keeps running from, and running into, the consequences of taking away bodily autonomy from half the country. They support IBF, until their actions show they don’t. They care about the health of women, until their actions show they don’t. They want to assure us that a nationwide ban will be reasonable, because they are reasonable people. Who care about women. They care about women so much that they’re happy with a sex-offender as their presidential candidate. Who brags about grabbing women whenever and however he wants. Who sees women as nothing but pretty things to dangle on his arm. Or as objects to be bought, then paid off. Bet he never thought he’d have to pay millions of dollars for something he had always taken with impunity. At least now he has managed to turn the RNC into the Trump ATM. If there’s one thing I admire about DJT it’s his shameless ability to pick other peoples pockets, with their total cooperation. And assistance. Bravo sir. There’s more to comment one. But I’m bored. Bored with the silliness passing for leadership. Bored with the amateurish efforts at statesmanship. Bored with the eternal infernal hypocrisy of most every word that comes out of the crazy in your party. Carry on. When you’re not being dangerous, it’s at least entertaining. “I'd rather sit down with Hannibal Lecter and eat my own liver," (a Republican member of Congress commenting on why they would not be attending the recent GOP retreat to talk about…WTF knows.) Good one.

▶ Created on March 15 by Debbie

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