Resistbot Petition: IT’S THE GOP’S BABY

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Today continues the beating of a dead horse. As a constituent, it is one of the few recourses available as the country waits to see if/when/how badly we default on paying bills for services rendered. Proving daily he is over his head, out of his depth, and up the proverbial creek, Speaker McCarthy used the phrase “not my fault” five times in referencing the debt crisis he provided the country with during a 13-minute press conference. Here’s what bears remembering… Before the 2022 midterm elections, McCarthy left little doubt that he was prepared to launch a debt ceiling crisis. After he eventually seized the speaker’s gavel, he followed through, creating the crisis by announcing that he and his far-right conference would demand a ransom in exchange for paying the nation’s bills. In the months that followed, McCarthy helped write a debt ceiling hostage note. He helped pass the ransom note. He refused to take default off the table. He refused to offer concessions. He refused to consider a clean bill. He refused to attach a debt ceiling increase to a separate bill, as leaders of both parties have done for generations. And he refuses to truly ‘negotiate’ by continually saying that the only concession he will make is to raise the debt ceiling. This is absolutely McCarthy’s debt ceiling crisis. He’s had months to change course, but fearing his own members who might try to oust him, he stayed/is staying the course, even if that means threatening Americans’ economic wellbeing and threatening to crash his own country’s economy. His fault. Your fault.

▶ Created on May 25, 2023 by Debbie

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