An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Wow. What a day. Texas has decided that we don’t care for the way other states run their elections. Aren’t we a big believer in state’s rights? I’m wondering who died and left us judge, jury, and election-overthrower. So I’m a little confused. Senator Cornyn, you were right to be disconcerted about this very absurd and strange turn of events. Senator Cruz, you continue to ruin what reputation you have left by attaching yourself to such an abomination. You do our state no favors. Have you absolutely no shame left? Why you continue to jump on the bandwagon of a man who would never miss an opportunity to ridicule or ruin you remains a mystery. Is your desire for the spotlight so strong that you would happily contribute your time and energy to such a travesty? Recruited by a president to assist in overthrowing a legitimate election. And you seem more than eager to do so. As you are aware, anyone who knows anything about the law is appalled that such a ridiculous notion would be able to gain any sort of legitimate traction. So thank you again Senator Cornyn for speaking up. And Senator Cruz, if you do indeed appear before SCOTUS to argue such silliness, I expect you’ll definitely make your way into the history books. As yet another Texas joke.

▶ Created on December 10, 2020 by Debbie

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