Resistbot Petition: READ THE INDICTMENT

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Why would anyone choose to be a politician? I expect most do it for altruistic reasons. To make their town, state, or country a better place. To work for the people who elected them to lead. I hope so anyway. But these days that altruism seems scarce. Or has morphed from selfless civil service to selfish self-preservation. Or worse yet, fealty to a political party over country. This point is starkly illustrated by the willful disinterest in portions of our Congress to even read the serious indictment put forth by the Special Counsel against DJT. No interest in even reading about very real threats to our national security. No interest. GOP Senators gave limp reasons why. ‘[M]ost peculiar among responses from the senators who didn’t read the indictment was that of Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), who was chairman of the Judiciary Committee during the Trump presidency. “I haven’t read it at all. I’m not a legal analyst. I’m gonna leave that to the professionals to tell us about it. I’ve read everything I can of secondary sources of it, but not the original.”’ It took me all of 30 mins, maybe, to read the entire indictment. You don’t need Cliff Notes. It’s not Shakespeare. It’s Mailer. Easy to read. Pithy. Spare. Frightening. My lord, why wouldn’t this be required reading by all members of Congress? Even if you ultimately disagree with every point, why wouldn’t your basic curiosity, your responsibility to your office, to the country, not make it mandatory? This is dereliction. And any of you who hold positions pertaining to overseeing our national security, but choose a political stance over doing your job, should be sent home. Especially if you ever served in the military. Maybe Barbara Bush’s quote referencing the war in Iraq serves a good example for such thinking… 'Why should we hear about body bags and deaths? It's not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?' Read the indictment. And try and remember who you work for.

▶ Created on June 14, 2023 by Debbie

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